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The Fortis Digital Forensics service is delivered by skilled, certified and experienced forensics professionals. This service will help to shape, influence and deliver your forensics program by providing specialist advice and delivering to your digital forensics policy and process.


Our Fortis investigator will act as your central point of contact for all forensics matters, working swiftly and diligently to address and correct any raised concerns or issues.

Digital Forensics Service


Digital forensics is the application of scientific investigatory techniques to digital crimes and attacks, or suspected malicious activity. When a compromise of security or an unauthorised or illegal action associated with data or a digital asset is suspected, it is important that steps are quickly taken to ensure the protection of the data within the asset and storage media.


The Key Benefits of Digital Forensics:

Support all types of investigation containing data or electronic devices to identify malicious activity

More efficient search, triage and analysis using complex digital forensics Toolsets

Collect and preserve digital evidence in a forensically secure manner

Independent & impartial digital forensic expert witness services

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Computer & Network Digital Forensics

Forensic analysis of both personal and corporate computer devices and networks upon the client’s request.


Internal Forensics Investigations

Providing an organisation with the ability to conduct internal investigations against specified internal resources, in the efforts to confirm or deny any specific claim our client may issue.


Breach & Cyber Attack Confirmation Investigation

Analysis to provide you with sound confirmation of whether a breach may have occurred; providing your organisation with the ability to comply with established GDPR (general data protection regulation) reporting procedures and guidelines.


Commercial and Civil Litigation

Forensic activities supporting both commercial and civil litigation cases, assisting in supplying assets for any active lawsuits.


Incident Response Policy, Planning & Procedures

Ensuring that appropriate policies relating to cyber-attacks exist and are updated to provide a full methodology to deal swiftly and effectively with security incidents. Also, to deliver invaluable incident planning and to ensure effective procedures are developed and practiced, to guarantee the safety of your organisation for the future.


To determine the nature of the attack, an IT or SOC (security operations centre) often must perform advanced forensic analysis on digital artefacts (e.g. hard drive images) or full-session packet capture (PCAP) in most drastic cases of internal attacks, or malware reverse engineering on digital samples collected by our client. Sometimes, forensic evidence must be collected and analysed in accordance to legally secure procedures. In such cases, Fortis issues an experienced digital forensic investigator to assist your company with our analysis.


IP Theft and Fraud Investigations

Digital Forensic support tackling any theft, fraud and IP (internet protocol) related issues our client may have encountered.


Mobile Device Analysis

Conducting analysis against a range of mobile computing devices and smartphones, ensuring that your digital security pervades outside of the office.

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